Sunday, July 7, 2013

Espresso Supply 02027 1 L Rinza Milk Frother Cleaner

Get the best deal for Espresso Supply 02027 1 L Rinza Milk Frother Cleaner is becoming hot. This cool product is now available, you can purchase it now for just $0.00 and often ships within 24 hours.

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Order Espresso Supply 02027 1 L Rinza Milk Frother Cleaner best deal. lowest price is presented for you on Espresso Supply 1 at Best prices. Get for best deals.

Product Description

Nothing can affect the flavor of espresso drinks in your cafe, coffee shop or restaurant as much as a dirty steam wand. Even if the steam wand appears clean on the exterior, proteins from the milk being steamed can get pulled inside of the steam wand. Eliminate milk protein buildup with Rinza Milk Frother Cleaner (02027) from Espresso Supply. This cleaner can be used with traditional steam wands as well as auto-frothers. This dispenses cleaner in ounces and milliliters due to a built-in measuring device. Rinza cleaner is NSF certified and kosher.

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Tags: Espresso Supply 1, Supply 02027 1, Espresso 02027 1

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